Simplicity is the answer to everything

Simplicity is the answer to everything
March, 10 2022

Simplicity is the answer to everything

“I am very intrigued by Bitcoin. It has all the signs. Paradigm shift, hackers love it, yet it is described as a toy. Just like microcomputers. – Paul Graham”

Even if you didn’t watch the Super Bowl on Sunday, you know Coinbase is making noise with its simple yet effective QR code based ad.

Crypto is on everyone’s mind, and ours too. We’ve had the opportunity to develop entire cryptocurrencies from the ground up and the technology is finding its ways into a lot of other development. But, we’ll save that for another newsletter.

A great challenge for crypto is the perception of it as being difficult by starters. What the Super Bowl ad did brilliantly was deliver a complex system through a simple concept.

We recently had to do something similar for a Swiss client. Their main objective was to create crypto miners for their brand new crypto token.

Our developers got right into it and delivered the coin which allows every transaction to be securely and transparently tracked. The system also features multi-wallet compatibility with desktop, mobile, and web-based wallets.

And finally, we enabled the desktop wallets that would act as mining devices, compatible with Windows, macOS, and Linux – without requiring any technical knowledge.

Building an entire currency from the ground up is an exciting process, especially when you’ve got enthusiastic founders. The project lends itself to so many open-ended queries that it naturally flows into other apps.

But what we learned most from this experience, much as we all did from last night’s Super Bowl ad is an age old adage that never fails to work.


Keep it simple, stupid.

We’d love to hear of a complex problem you solved using simplicity.

Use the hashtag #trustworthynews on Twitter or tag the LinkedIn to continue this convo.

Please let me know if there’s anything you’re working on that you could use my help on – at no cost.

I genuinely love tinkering for solutions and helping businesses grow.

CEO, Reliable Group

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